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Start Fresh 2024

March 9 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

2024 Start Fresh

Saturday, March 9th

Theme: In The Wilderness

Psalms 78:19 NIV

Promo Video

PLACE: Meadow Park Church of God, Columbus OH 43220
$25 Early Bird (deadline Feb. 12)
$35 Registration (Feb. 13-26)
$45 After final deadline
Rev. Demetrius Booker | State Associate Pastor BIO

SPEAKER: Rev. Demetrius Booker | State Associate Pastor BIO

Rev. Matt Roe | Lead Pastor at Maiden Lane Church, Springfield OH BIO

SPEAKER: Rev. Matt Roe | Lead Pastor at Maiden Lane Church, Springfield OH BIO

SPEAKER: Rev. Benjamin Wilson | Pastor at Liberation Church, Cleveland OH BIO

SPEAKER: Rev. Benjamin Wilson | Pastor at Liberation Church, Cleveland OH BIO

Rev. Roger McDaniel | Worhship Pastor at Meadow Park Church, Columbus OH BIO

WORSHIP: Rev. Roger McDaniel | Worhship Pastor at Meadow Park Church, Columbus OH BIO

Session Tracks:


TRACK A – NXTGEN Kids Making an Impact with Rev. Josh Chaffin BIO/Topic Info

introducing Ohio School
Ministries and answering questions related to helping kids and
youth embrace biblical teachings.
TRACK B – NXTGEN Students R.W. Moody BIO/Topic Info
TRACK C – Senior Adult Ministry Hope is on the Way with Dr. Pam Ellinger-Dixon BIO
TRACK D – Worship For Worship Leaders with Rev. Roger McDaniel BIO

If you are a worship leader, we invite you to join us for this relaxed, open forum and conversation. We will be talking and sharing about everything that has to do with leading worship, designing a service, technology that can better your worship experiences, and anything else that comes up! It will be very laid back and informal. We will share ideas, discuss, and answer questions, and be an encouragement to each other! Don’t miss it!

TRACK E1 – Finance Pastor Compensation with Jim O’Bold BIO

Overview: Pastors are treated differently by the IRS and the Social Security Administration, but there are unique opportunities to help pastors be fairly compensated with salary/housing allowance/benefits that can make Kingdom impact for both the church and their pastor(s).  See how the church/board/treasurer can doubly honor their servant pastor by working smarter…and not breaking the budget while doing so.Who should attend the Finance Track? Clergy, Search Committee Members, Members of Church Leadership Teams and Board of Trustees.



TRACK F1 Church & Technology For Pastors, Staff and Church Leaders-Bloom Where You’re Planted with Rev. Demetrius Booker BIO

Bloom where you’re planted!  If you are interested in the makeup of your church community, who lives there and how your church can minister to those considered neighbors, this session is for you! In Bloom where you’re planted, Demetrius helps the attendees discover the importance of using demographics to design and be effective in ministry! All attendees who register early will receive a “Free” 5-mile demographic study on their church.
Track F2 – Church & Technology Social Media & The Church: “#Holiness: Embracing Social Media for Spiritual Engagementwith Rev. Kyle Younkman (Outreach and Communications Pastor for Mead
ow Park Church of God)
Overview: Unlock the power of social media for your church’s mission. Learn how to create dynamic online communities and reach out to people from all walks of life, and discover how a solid digital game plan can drastically broaden your ministry’s impact in our digitally-driven world.
TRACK G – Discipleship Intentional Church with Rev. Paul Strozier Topic Intro/BIO
Intentional Churches is a movement to reprioritize the Great Commission as the prime directive of the 21st century church. Central to the effort is ChurchOS, an operating system for disciple making that utilizes a highly practical “Living Took Kit” to help congregations and leaders pursue the fulfillment of Jesus’ call to “Go and make
disciples” with passion and clarity and learn to function according to healthy rhythms. The Intentional Churches track of Start Fresh will provide participants with an introduction to Intentional Churches principles and the ChurchOS toolbox. A free copy of the book, Intentional Churches, will be provided to each participant.
TRACK H – Evangelism Advocate Trainting-Children of Promise with Rev. Kyle Hayes BIO

Children of Promise Advocates Training:
Join over 800 people who have taken this fun training on global poverty alleviation! Learn the secrets of how Children of Promise impacts whole communities through their children. Within a game show format, you will have a chance to learn and win some fun prizes! Then, taking what you learn, you will be able to tell the story of Children of Promise in your own hometown.
TRACK I – Credentials Are You Being Called to the Ministry? with Rev. David Guess and Rev. Kim Leach
TRACK J – Pastor Spouse Only Wilderness Journey with Lori Roe & Joy Moody


March 9
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Meadow Park Church of God
2425 Bethel Road
Columbus, OH 43220 United States
+ Google Map