Steadfast Ministries – Caring for those who care for others
COACHING – We all seek to minister with deep purpose, achievement, and vision. Coaching is bringing someone alongside you to teach you, challenge you, and encourage you to reach your God-given ministry goals and vision. A Coach will help you move toward specific objectives and transformation with accountability, encouragement, and practical wisdom. COGO can help you find a coach to match your ministry objectives. For more information contact
COUNSELING –Sometimes we need a safe place to talk through life’s hurts and disappointments, to recover and regain balance, avoid burning out, or simply stay mentally strong and healthy for life and our ministry. The COGO Pastoral Team is working with reputable Christian counselors. For more information contact our office. Your call will be confidential.
SOUL CARE – How is it with your soul? In ministry we need to be vigilant in the care of our souls even as we care for our flocks. Soul Care is an opportunity to explore your spiritual being and to deepen your day-to-day experience of being grounded in the goodness and presence of God. Through our partnership with you can be paired with a spiritual director for one-to-one sessions or join a peer group. COGO is currently able to help with soul care costs for pastors of partner churches. For more information contact
CIRCLES – clergy and district partnership. COGO Circles are designed to provide a two hour teaching and fellowship morning ending with a meal together.